10th September - With Mr Anstee, we each listened to a few songs of our choices that we would quite like to use for our music video and then got put into appropriate groups. Rosie and me are working together and we chose to use Rosie's song choice 'The Generationals - When we fight we fight'.
14th September 2012 - Today, Rosie and me connected a phone up to the speakers in the main hall and played our song whilst Rosie lip-synced it and I filmed her using a tripod.
17th September 2012 - After discussing as a class with Mr Anstee about research into our target audience, Rosie and myself have decided to gather together a focus group of around 3/4 people tomorrow in the common room, period 3. In which we will ask them some questions after they have listened to our song. We will record this discussion on one of our cameras then upload, and later evaluate the feedback so we can gather more information about our target audience which should spark ideas for us.
18th September 2012 - Rosie and myself met in the common room period 3, at gentleman's corner, where we had organised for Will, Jack and Jack to discuss and answer some questions about the song choice and ideas that entered there minds when hearing the song. Rosie recorded while I asked the boys the questions.
20th September 2012 - In this lesson we spoke as a class about 'Treatment' which we have to complete over the next few days. Rosie and me also came up with the name of our band 'The dollybirds'. During this lesson we spoke about possible girls that would be suitable in our band, we chose and confirmed the husband James. Also came up with costume, hairstyle, make-up, location ideas.
25th September 2012 - Miss Brookes gave us a helpful worksheet today with 10 shots that we had to film during that lesson, so using one of the schools video cameras we used the schools locations where I filmed Rosie testing out the different shots and realising how difficult they are!
26th September 2012 - Together, Rosie and me delegated jobs between us. And spoke in more detail about the band, costumes, props, materials also researching into similar girl bands around the 1960's.
28th September 2012 - Finalised and confirmed some of our performers for our music video.
2nd October 2012 - Today I had a few hours home study in which I started preparing our 'Treatment' task, I analysed and made notes (shown as a picture below) about what we had to explain and write about so that for 5th period today me and Rosie could discuss and tie up all the loose ends, then I would type up our 'Treatment' onto a Slideshare presentation.
3rd October 2012 - Both of us have a free period 3rd lesson today so our plan is to extend our target audience research to the female audience, we decided we was going to hold a similar focus group to the 'Gentleman's corner' one, but in the 'Ladies corner'! Rosie will bring her video camera in, and we will use the same que stions as we did on the male audience, to see if we get similar or different opinions and outcomes.
9th October 2012 - Today we decided to change our idea, quite extremely!!! Using two young children as the husband and wife in our music video, as we think it is a better idea, less typical and in the end, will look better. We decided upon a boy and girl we would like to use and then had a meeting with them during afternoon registration to run the idea past them... they was very enthusiastic about the idea and have agreed!
10th October 2012 - We printed off both mine and Rosie's timetables and also Pia and Holly's (girls in The DollyBird's), In which we highlighted where all four of us have free lessons, so therefore we can advance into making a shoot schedule.
12th October 2012 - We have had a meeting with Pia and Holly and confirmed that we are shooting Tuesday 16th October, period 5. We have booked the drama hall for the performance and have also arranged to borrow 3 mic's and stands from the music department for this.
16th October 2012 - Today during lunch we prepared the drama hall for the performance and collected all that needed to be there, including the material, mic's and costumes. And then done the girls hair and makeup's. In period 5, I recorded The DollyBird's performance many times, but at the end of the filming, we decided that we would use that footage as practice footage, as we thought of many aspects which we could improve, including a change of costume, exaggerated hair, projector, background, lightening and a few other minor things. During this practice filming The DollyBird's perfected their dance routine and Rosie (The lead singer) perfected her lip syncing.
18th October 2012 - We both had already visulised in our minds what we wanted the whole video to be edited like - a 60's grainy effect. So it was easy enough for just one of us to edit the video for a few days at home to put the effect in place.
25th October 2012 - The idea on that we decided on the 9th October soon changed, back to our orginial idea, because of the complications of filming the children out of school, and them being able to come across exactly how we wanted them to.
8th November 2012 - Spending the lesson today to discuss what sort of songs we wanted on our album/digipak. We thought of about 10 track names and also the title of our album, so that they were appropriate and had a strong link to our artist's/band.
15th November 2012 - One day this week we organised for Rosie, myself and James to meet round Rosie's house, because this was our chosen destination for a majority of our music video.Today we filmed our narrative based footage.
22nd November 2012 - After Rosie edited the chunk of our music video that we have recorded so far, together us and our media teacher went through it many times to tweak little aspects.
29th November 2012 - Rosie and myself used this week to focus on the digipak. So we planned out on paper, the correct order everything had to be, and then chose specifically the types of shots we wanted for each part and what would be included.
6th December 2012 - We used this lesson to establish the type of merchandise we would like to offer to our audience, we discovered this and searched for similar objects etc, and also different brands.
13th December 2012 - Rosie and myself worked individually to create the merchandise using the web and fireworks specifically and then uploaded onto our blog
20th December 2012 - This week revolved around research into websites and digipaks of other artists, so that we could get some ideas for our own.
10th January 2013 - We discussed what we both would like to see on the website, and gathered pictures for the gallery page and also created the basic layout and design of our website on wix.com
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