Dry the River - No Rest
These are the lyrics to Dry the River - No rest. We closed our eyes whilst listening to this song, and imagined what we think would be most appropriate to include in the music video. Everybody came up with an idea and shared them with each other.
This image briefly explains the meaning of the lyrics and also a few ideas to what could be put into the music video.
We all decided that a good idea for this song would be:
- Firstly having the man singing on his own, showing his loneliness and also the severe emotion in his face.
- Then a scene where him and the girl he is madly in love with, close together with him holding her around the waist gazing into each other's eyes, showing happiness in their faces. The surrounds is an empty field symbolising its only about them/their love.
- Which leads to the girl walking around in this field, and him edited in (faded) following her around, almost trying to catch her.
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