Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Learning and progress

Monday 11th June 2012

We got introduced to Media at A2 level and told information about the marking of the coursework. We then had to make up a new blog for this year of work, and insert 7 labels/categories: Research, planning, music video, digipak, website, evaluation and Learning and progress. Our homework was to create a presentation based on 'What music means to me' finding 3 tracks that reflect different stages of your life.

Wednesday 13th June 2012

We then presented 'What music means to me' individually to each other. Then Mrs Brookes informed us about 'The Britney Experience', watched a few previous videos that have been made and then we got put into small groups and got a script in preparation for next lesson.

Friday 15th June 2012

During this lesson we looked at different aspects of different music genred videos. Then we each got given a music video to analyse. I got given Madonna - Vogue, and then I had to create a comparative analysis with that video compared to Drake ft.Rihanna - Take Care.

Monday 18th June 2012

Today, we had three hours to film all of our Britney scene, we got put into small groups of around three people and then simply worked our way through the different shots that our group had to film. From this experience I learnt that music video's are not as easy to produce as they look, also the lip syncing proved to be challenging.

Tuesday 19th June 2012

Most of the class presented their music video anaylsis, from this I learnt about the variety of genres and the way they was performed within the video's.

Wednesday 20th June 2012

star profile

Monday 25th June 2012

Wednesday 27th June 2012

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